You’ve surely heard someone mention aloe vera, the plant that possesses almost endless properties. But do you know all the ways that aloe vera can help you? Here are ten ways you can use aloe vera that you’ve (definitely) never imagined!
Use aloe vera to soothe a burn or sunburn
Several studies have shown the effectiveness of aloe vera in relieving first- or second-degree burns. The mucilage of the aloe vera plant contains a polysaccharide gel that that has a soothing effect and stimulates cellular repair.
How? You can simply cut the aloe vera leaf into segments, extract the gel and apply it to your skin (which you should clean thoroughly). Restorative creams are also an option if they contain at least 50% aloe vera gel.
Use aloe vera to boost your immune system
Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and even in antioxidants, aloe vera offers a wealth of nutrients and valuable compounds that help boost the immune system.
How? Be sure to use aloe vera with each change of the seasons. Use aloe vera to reduce wrinkles
Very rich in antioxidants and in pectins, aloe vera has a restorative effect on the structure of the skin and simulates collagen production.
How? Apply a concentrated aloe vera gel cream in the morning and at night.
Use aloe vera to reduce acne
Various studies have examined the effects of aloe vera on acneic skin and confirmed the capacity of aloe vera to promote faster healing , which is linked specifically to African basil oil.
How? To be effective, the aloe vera used must be highly concentrated (90% or higher).
Use aloe vera for beautiful hair
Aloe vera fights dandruff and restores shine and life to hair that lacks vitality. It also accelerates hair growth.
How? Aloe vera shampoos or pure gel masks both produce excellent results.
Use aloe vera to relieve inflammatory pain
Aloe vera contains phenolic compounds that limit inflammatory flare-ups. It can also be used for joint pain, sprains, or twisting injuries, etc.
How? Rub the affected area for a long time with aloe vera gel or a concentrated aloe vera oil.
Use aloe vera to regulate cholesterol
It is the polysaccharides contained in aloe vera gel, specifically acemannan (a complex carbohydrate), that may have cholesterol-regulating properties.
How? Choose gel beverages containing nearly 100% aloe vera gel, as juices have lower concentrations.
Use aloe vera to relieve constipation
Aloe vera gel is known for its mild laxative properties, but aloe vera sap (an extract from the skin of the leaves) is much stronger. The WHO (World Health Organization) has also recognized the its effectiveness for treating chronic, acute constipation.
How? The extraction of aloe vera sap (or latex) should be supervised (by a doctor or pharmacist) as this substance contains anthranoids (specifically aloin), which are strong irritants and potentially harmful. Only use aloe vera to treat constipation for short periods.
Use aloe vera to detoxify
Aloe vera gel contains active ingredients that help expel toxins from the body. Be alert, however, for possible drug interactions with other treatments. Ask a health care professional for advice.
How? Dilute one tablespoon of aloe vera juice in a glass of water and drink every morning for three weeks.
Use aloe vera to relieve a sore throat
Antibacterial and antiseptic, aloe vera is an effective remedy for a sore throat.
How? Mix a tablespoon of aloe vera gel beverage into an herbal tea and and gargle the lukewarm mixture .
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