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Grapes, raspberries and other resveratrol-rich foods
Guides and tutorials
Longevity (Anti-aging)
Resveratrol: the benefits and side-effects of this ‘fountain of youth’

Resveratrol is a powerful and beneficial polyphenol found at high levels in grapes - and therefore wine. Discover its effects and in which circumstances to either prioritise or avoid it.

Man looking in the mirror seeing his hair going grey
Grey hair: the natural products that can help prevent it

Though it might be trendy among young people, for many in their thirties and forties, grey hair is definitely to be avoided. What makes hair turn grey? What natural solutions are there? Read on for the answers.

Meat, fish, nuts and other sources of protein
Guides and tutorials
High-protein diet: definition, effects and sample menus

The high-protein diet encourages weight loss while maintaining muscle mass. How does it work? What kind of menus are involved?

Young woman choosing a multivitamin supplement
Guides and tutorials
Multivitamins: what are the benefits? How do you make the best choice?

Do you feel somewhat overwhelmed by the choice of multivitamin supplements on offer? Do you find it impossible to choose between all the various formulations available? Read on for our key tips on how to make an informed choice when it comes to multivitamins.

Free radicals attacking cells
Longevity (Anti-aging)
10 tips for fighting oxidative stress and free radicals

Accelerated aging of the skin, joints, and hair, plus fatigue, etc … your body is at risk from oxidative stress. The good news is there are ways you can protect yourself.

Common nettle Urtica dioica
Guides and tutorials
Health: the impressive benefits of nettle supplements

Nettle is a plant that grows abundantly along country lanes. Your bare legs may not appreciate being stung by it, but nettle is actually full of health virtues when you know how to use it .... Discover its benefits now.

The anti-hypertension DASH diet rich in fruit and vegetables
Heart & Circulation
Anti-hypertension DASH diet: principles and sample menus

Do you suffer from hypertension but want to avoid taking long term medication? Did you know you can lower your blood pressure by changing your dietary habits? That’s what DASH is all about. Read on for analysis and sample menus.

The plant Centella asiatica, also known as Hydrocotyle asiatica or Gotu kola
Guides and tutorials
Stress & Mood
Tiger grass: why take a Centella asiatica supplement?

A medicinal plant from South East Asia and the Pacific islands, tiger grass (Centella asiatica) offers numerous benefits for health. Discover the value of taking a tiger grass dietary supplement.

Man having an anxiety attack, sitting near a ladder
Stress & Mood
8 natural ways to calm an anxiety attack

Your heart’s racing, you have a lump in the throat, and a feeling of dread: though harmless, an anxiety attack is still highly distressing. Here are 8 natural ways to ease these unwelcome episodes.

Adult handing on planet Earth to a child
Ecology: which are the best supplements when it comes to respecting the environment?

Supplement manufacturers are also acting to safeguard our beautiful blue planet. Discover the most eco-friendly supplements for helping to reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the world’s ecosystems.

Women benefiting from an Ayurvedic massage
The world’s traditional systems of medicine (Ayurvedic, Chinese, African ...)

Practised for thousands of years, traditional systems of medicine still have much to teach us. Discover the principles, uses and main ingredients of the great ancestral systems of medicine.

Anatomical diagram of the thyroid gland
4 natural products for taking care of your thyroid

Though very small, the thyroid gland plays a critical part in ensuring the body functions correctly, so it’s vitally important to look after it. Discover 4 natural compounds beneficial for the health of this key endocrine gland.

Woman comfortably digesting her meal
Gastrointestinal Health
10 tips for facilitating digestion naturally

Digestion problems are extremely common. If you’re among the many sufferers, try these 10 natural tips for facilitating the digestive process and restoring your day-to-day well-being.

Prickly fruit of Tribulus terrestris
Guides and tutorials
Tribulus terrestris: its benefits for your sex life, composition, dosage

Used for thousands of years, Tribulus terrestris is very popular for helping to keep things fun in the bedroom. Spotlight on this unique plant.

Strong, long, white, natural nails
7 tips for naturally beautiful nails

“You have beautiful nails, you know …” If this is a compliment you’ve never been paid, then perhaps it’s time to really start giving those keratinous plates at the tips of your fingers a bit more TLC. Discover 7 natural and simple tips to help you have strong, white, shiny fingernails.

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