Often referred to as a ‘miracle algae’, spirulina is a superfood highly recommended by the WHO. But what exactly is it? What benefits does it offer and how much do you need?
Eyestrain, mood disturbance, sleep problems … Discover how blue light affects your health and how these 5 natural products can help.
What is it that makes the supplement Super Omega 3 so pure, stable and effective? Iren Stoknes, doctor of biotechnology and R&D Manager at Epax® for 13 years, shares the secrets behind its manufacture.
Are you keen to think faster, more effectively and for longer? Discover the 7 most effective, natural ‘nootropic’ products for boosting your brain power.
Since ancient times, humans have used the image of a heart to depict the concept of life. They quickly learned how to identify those plants which support a healthy cardiovascular system. Discover the 6 most effective such plants.
Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Vanessa Paradis: how do A-list actresses manage to defy time and hold back the signs of aging? Here we share 10 of their little secrets for maintaining a youthful appearance - without going under the knife.
Far from being just another diet fad, the call to eat more fibre is actually based on recent scientific evidence of the role it plays in maintaining our health. Discover why you should increase your intake of dietary fibre, and how to do so.
Potassium is an essential mineral, involved in nervous system and muscle function ... Suffice to say that a lack of potassium can quickly become a real risk to health. Here’s how to identify and correct such deficiency.
The liver is a crucial organ for purifying the body. Taking certain plant extracts with detoxifying properties can help it function at its best: discover the 7 most effective of these plants.
It’s a fact: mental health conditions have risen sharply this year, a clear consequence of pandemic-related anxiety and isolation. Here we take a brief overview of the situation and look at some potential solutions.
Taking optimal care of your natural defences begins as soon as you jump out of bed! Adopt this healthy routine to help boost your immunity.
Whether it’s to lose weight, wean yourself off sugar, or maintain good health, following a sugar-free diet is becoming more and more popular. Discover which foods are permitted and which are prohibited.
Aging is the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors: DNA shortening, oxidative stress, glycation... Here we take a look at the aging process, its causes, and the ways in which we can slow it down.
You’re taking a supplement such as Daily 3 and want to know the perfect time to take it for maximum absorption of all its nutrients? SuperSmart has the answer.
Though historically little-known in the West, ashwagandha has now become very popular. This master plant from Ayurvedic medicine offers three exceptional benefits for physical and mental health. Discover them now!