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How do you lose weight effectively from your face?

Chubby cheeks, double chin… Our faces are the first point of interaction with others, so they’re often a focus of our insecurities. Is it possible to refine your features easily, and if so, how do you go about it?

Slimming your face

Is it possible to lose fat from the face naturally?

Let’s start with an important reminder: it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to lose weight in a targeted way. To refine your facial features, you usually have to aim for a more overall fat loss. Which is why there is no magic technique that will slim down your face in 3 days (despite claims to the contrary…)

There are, however, some general (and specific) tips for kickstarting that fat loss process, focusing as much as possible on facial areas.

How to slim down your face naturally: general advice

Lose weight by adopting a balanced diet

Achieving a slimmer face (and body) starts with a review of your eating habits. Fresh fruits and vegetables, low in calories and high in antioxidants, support good hydration: cucumber, celery, watermelon and artichoke are your ‘go-to’ foods here! Fibre found in whole grains, pulses and oat bran, reduces the urge to snack, while protein (poultry, fish, dairy products …) has a satiating effect (1-2).

When it comes to fats, you don’t need to ban them altogether: the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (which support normal cardiac function), as well as medium-chain triglycerides which are poorly-stored by the body, (highly-concentrated in coconut oil Organic MCT Oil Pure C8) should be a feature of any slimming program (3-4).

Avoid drastic diets

Restrictive and very low-calorie diets do not have a proven track record: on the contrary, they lead to the famous yo-yo effect – where you quickly regain the weight lost after the diet ends (5).

There are, however, other ways of supporting your food-related efforts: used as an aid to weight loss in addition to dietary measures, knotted wrack (Ascophyllum nodosum) inhibits two key digestive enzymes: alpha-amylase and lipase, an action which potentially helps to reduce the absorption of fats (this algae can be found in the supplement Fat & Carb Blocker) (6).

Reduce your sodium intake

‘Puffy’ cheeks are sometimes the result of water retention, which is itself exacerbated by excessive salt consumption. So be sure to cut down on cured and cold meats, smoked fish and similar processed foods (7).

However, it’s important to stay well-hydrated: if you don’t drink enough, your body may compensate by storing the small amount of fluid absorbed. Aim for a fluid intake of around 1.5 liters a day (tea, coffee, herbal infusions, broths, etc., all count towards this). (8)

Exercise regularly to see that fat melt away

Regular exercise will accelerate fat loss, which can, in turn, help to slim down the face (9). Focus here on jogging, swimming and all aerobic activities that burn fat.

Cut down on alcohol which makes the face puffy

In addition to the above-mentioned dietary measures, reduce your consumption of alcoholic drinks. They are full of ‘empty’ calories and precipitate dehydration by increasing urine production, giving the face a tired, puffy appearance (10).

Sleep well to improve weight loss

Poor quality sleep first and foremost affects our appetite: leptin, the satiety hormone, decreases to the advantage of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, making us eat more during the day (11).

In addition, our body secretes large quantities of hormone during the night while we’re asleep: necessary for nerve and muscle recovery, it prioritises the mobilisation of fats to fuel all the body’s repair processes. It’s therefore best to aim for 7-9 hours’ sleep a night.

Add some fat-burning plant extracts

To shift fat cells from the face (primarily concentrated in the cheeks and chin), and lose weight in general, you can also use Mother Nature’s own slimming aids.

Focus on Coleus forskohlii, a perennial plant from India which helps regulate the elimination of fat, promotes weight loss and contributes to an increase in lean body mass (13).

It is often combined synergistically with other plant extracts (such as green coffee, inulin or Sphaerantus indicus and Garcinia mangostana, a combination offered in the formulation Advanced Fat Burner) (14-15).

Consult a health professional

If you’re finding it difficult to lose weight, we’d recommend consulting a health professional (GP, nutritionist…) for advice tailored to your particular situation.

Slimming: exercises that may tone the face

The above-mentioned holistic approach, which encompasses a balanced diet, exercise, etc., is still the only way to really slim down, including the face.

The practice of facial gymnastics or yoga, meanwhile, cannot work miracles by itself. It’s important to be realistic about the results that can be achieved from practising these exercises in isolation.

But if performed regularly, with several repetitions of each exercise, they are potentially useful for strengthening the facial muscles, toning the skin, reducing the signs of aging and redefining the contours of the face (16):

  • smile in an exaggerated way widening your lips as much as possible;
  • suck in your cheeks for 10 seconds (as if you’re pulling a ‘fish face’), then puff them out for 10 seconds;
  • cover your upper lip with your lower one as much as you can. Maintain the pose for a few seconds then relax;
  • pronounce the vowels A, E, I, O, U in turn, exaggerating each one;
  • pull a series of faces in front of a mirror to express different emotions (anger, surprise, fear): frown, open your eyes wide, etc… don’t worry about looking ridiculous!

Bonus tip: give yourself regular face massages to boost blood and lymphatic circulation. As well as being relaxing, this invaluable exercise can improve your skin’s radiance and reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes.



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