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Adaptogenic Herbs

Do you feel physically or mentally tired, exhausted, even drained? Taking an anti-fatigue supplement can really improve your everyday life. We present here the best SuperSmart supplements for reducing fatigue, supporting vitality and maintaining general health.

Our range comprises the best vitamins (vitamin B12, C, B6…), minerals (magnesium, iron…), plant extracts (ginseng, rhodiola…) and other effective anti-fatigue nutrients, in optimal forms to ensure excellent bioavailability and powerful, fast, long-lasting effects.

Also included here are our famous multivitamin supplements, such as Daily 3 and Daily 2® Timed Release, both of which are very popular with our customers. The ingredients in these supplements cover basic needs for vitamins, minerals, trace-elements and antioxidants: ideal for replenishing your energy levels.

36 products

Which are the best supplements for fighting fatigue?

Which vitamins help combat fatigue and stress?

Vitamin B12 is an effective vitamin for fighting fatigue.

It actually promotes the conversion of macronutrients into energy that can be used by cells. It also supports normal nervous system and psychological function, making it an excellent anti-stress and anti-anxiety vitamin.

The best active form of B12 is methylcobalamin. It’s the one most easily absorbed and used by the body.

Another key vitamin for energy levels

King of the vitamins, vitamin C also promotes the conversion of nutrients into energy, helps improve uptake of iron and is an essential cofactor of noradrenaline production (the hormone of concentration and positive mood).

Excellent for immunity, it also helps protect cells against oxidative stress which takes such a toll on the body.

Encapsulating vitamin C in the form of liposomes, small, tailor-made vesicles, guarantees excellent absorption. That’s exactly what we offer with our supplement Liposomal Vitamin C.

An essential trace mineral to reduce fatigue and stress

In addition to vitamins, minerals have a lot to offer in this area. Magnesium, in particular, is recommended for reducing fatigue and stress.

An essential trace-mineral, magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps restore vitality and serenity by supporting production of ATP (a key source of energy for cells), promoting contractions such as muscle relaxation, and calming the nervous system.

Stress actually leads to increased use of magnesium by the body which can result in your magnesium reserves becoming depleted, making it harder to control your nerves. A truly vicious circle! So to combat fatigue and stress, try to ensure a good intake of highly-bioavailable magnesium (such as magnesium orotate in capsules).

Ginseng: a powerful anti-fatigue herb

Another excellent natural remedy for pepping you up is ginseng (Panax Ginseng), the king of the tonic herbs in Chinese medicine.

Many studies have shown that ginseng can significantly re-energise tired bodies. This invigorating plant supports physical performance and promotes good blood flow, associated with healthy brain reactivity. Its benefits are largely due to active ingredients called ginsenosides.

Ginseng is also widely considered to be an adaptogen plant (one that helps the body adapt to physical and mental stress).

What exactly is fatigue?

Fatigue is a state of exhaustion and lack of energy. It impairs the ability to carry out physical or mental tasks.

What causes fatigue?

Fatigue can be caused by:

  • intense and/or prolonged effort (physical or mental), combined with insufficient recovery time. We normally refer to this as being ‘overworked’;
  • lack of sleep or poor quality sleep;
  • unhealthy7 diet, with too many processed foods low in nutrients;
  • excessive stress, which saps the mind and body;
  • dehydration, a lack of water being known to reduce physical and mental performance;
  • an excessively sedentary lifestyle, causing a fall in energy levels;
  • or a medical problem.

What should I do if I feel tired all the time?

If you often feel tired and find it hard to cope with daily life, the following measures should help restore good energy levels:

  • reestablish a pattern of restorative sleep. Go to bed at a fixed time and avoid screen exposure before sleep;
  • give yourself breaks between activities during the day so that you don’t end up feeling overworked;
  • eat a healthy diet and stay well-hydrated. Focus on fruits, vegetables, lean protein, seeds and still water, and reduce your consumption of processed or sugary foods;
  • take some exercise. Staying physically active can boost your vitality, mood and sleep quality;
  • learn to manage your stress. Breathing exercises, meditation and yoga can all help you relax and prevent exhaustion due to stress.

If you still feel exhausted after making these changes, we’d recommend consulting a health professional.

How do you differentiate between normal fatigue and pathological fatigue?

Normal fatigue, where the cause is known and which goes away with rest, is different from pathological fatigue, usually referred to as chronic fatigue.

It may be that, despite taking the above steps (getting more sleep, managing your stress better, etc), you continue to experience overwhelming tiredness which stops you carrying out activities and projects. You may feel exhausted from the moment you wake up, or often feel weak, heavy or stiff.

If so, you may be suffering from chronic fatigue. Your doctor will be able to confirm the diagnosis, give you advice and try to identify if this is actually a symptom of another disease.

What are the best foods for fighting fatigue?

As we’ve seen, diet plays a major role in ensuring vitality.

The most important thing is to ensure a good daily intake of carbohydrates, protein and fats, which constitute the body’s fuel. For this, you need to eat a varied, balanced diet (fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, seeds, etc.).

Some foods are particularly beneficial when it comes to restoring energy levels:

  • citrus fruit (oranges, grapefruit, clementines…) are high in energising vitamin C;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey…) is notably high in amino acids and vitamin B12 ;
  • green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts…) provide a good intake of B vitamins, important for energy production;
  • bananas contain carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6;
  • oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel…), rich in omega-3, can also help prevent deficiency in vitamin D, a factor in exhaustion and low mood;
  • berries (blueberries, raspberries, goji berries …) contain multiple vitamins and phytonutrients ;
  • nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds…) are good sources of protein, fibre, healthy fats and minerals. A genuine anti-fatigue remedy;
  • the plant guarana, containing caffeine, is thought to have 4 times the energising effects of coffee;
  • and dark chocolate, preferably with a high cocoa content, is an excellent source of magnesium. But make sure to eat it in moderation as chocolate is high in calories and may contain added sugar.
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