Heavy legs, cold feet, swollen ankles at the end of the day, restless legs: these are all signs of venous insufficiency. Discover 7 traditional home remedies for improving the circulation.
Want to boost your protein intake in a fun way (without eating steak or chicken breasts)? Be part of the protein smoothie trend with these 4 ‘ready-to-use recipes.
Always tired and lacking in energy? Then you’re suffering from asthenia! But you can do something about it - simply follow our 7 tips to fight fatigue naturally.
Though generally harmless, muscle cramps are nonetheless painful. Discover the best foods for preventing and relieving them (as well as the foods to avoid).
Developed by Dr Jean Seignalet in the 1990s, the Seignalet - or hypotoxic - diet surprisingly advocates a return to the dietary habits of our ancestors. Discover the principles behind it and its alleged powerful benefits.
Need to follow a low-residue diet – either prior to surgery, or to relieve your digestive problems? Here’s a list of permitted and prohibited foods.
According to the UN, the number of adults suffering from hypertension has nearly doubled over the last 30 years – and almost half are unaware they are hypertensive. Read on for our advice on effective ways of lowering your blood pressure.
If you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain or flatulence, you may have gastritis. There are a number of options for relieving this condition ... as well as certain foods to avoid.
Getting up in the morning without dragging your heels might seem like a dream but it’s totally achievable. Here’s our advice for rediscovering a restful night’s sleep and starting the day on the right foot.
Phlebitis is inflammation of a vein, often caused by a blood clot. Which foods can help prevent it and which should definitely be avoided by sufferers?
Keratin works silently and effectively to support key aspects of our appearance. But why exactly should you consider supplementing with it?
It’s not just diabetics or obese individuals who benefit from knowing which foods have a low glycaemic index. Discover which foods fall into this category.
Usually triggered by a virus or bacteria, gastroenteritis is inflammation of the digestive mucosa which causes diarrhea and vomiting. Discover what to eat to feel better when you’re suffering from this complaint.
The basic building blocks of proteins, amino acids are found in foods as well as in dietary supplements. Find out how to ensure you’re getting enough.
With 50% of women suffering at least one UTI over the course of their lifetime, there’s increasing interest in the potential benefits of probiotics for this complaint. Are they effective? Read on to find out how best to care for this aspect of intimate health.