Why use minerals for dietary supplements?
Current dietary models do not always meet the nutritional needs of all individuals, particularly those for minerals. Given that bioavailability of minerals declines as we get older, the situation is only exacerbated with aging; recommendations can become complex and there is a need for personalisation, including through the use of mineral nutrition supplements. Indeed, a number of studies showed that intake of magnesium, zinc, selenium and chromium in older people was lower than recommended amounts, unlike iron intake which was generally adequate (recommended daily amounts of iron are lower for women over 50 because menstruation ceases after the menopause).
This decline in intake is worrying because minerals play a role in all the body’s vital activities, particularly maintaining strong immunity. Fortunately, improvements in diet can be backed up through the ingestion of mineral supplements, which have been repeatedly shown to offer benefits in preventing and combating inflammation and infection. In addition, maintaining optimal mineral levels may be crucial for brain function and preventing brain diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease.